
Our church costs around £80,000 each year to run. We receive no money from the government or the national church so rely heavily on people’s generosity. There are different ways of supporting and every gift is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Regular Giving

Account Name: Coleshill Parochial Church Council; Bank Barclays; Sort code: 20-84-13; Account Number: 70276316

We have an envelope scheme, where your gift can be placed in a weekly envelope and given when you next visit church. Ask the parish office for your box of envelopes.

We have a centuries-old wooden collection plate which is used to accept them or cash.


Account Name: Coleshill Parish Church Campaign Account; Sort code 20-84-13; Account Number: 93714632

The transformation of our church building to make possible increased and more varied community use, and to bring its remarkable heritage to wider attention, is a major project that is taking place over a number of years. The final phase of work which will introduce meeting room facilities and allow the church to be more regularly staffed through an onsite parish office is scheduled for Autumn 2022, and we very much welcome every contribution however large or small. For further information about the campaign and how to get involved please contact

Guide Book

We have a beautiful new colour guide book. The guide costs £5 and is available in church when open. Cards are accepted. It can also be ordered from the parish office. Call 01675 462188


We have links to a number of different charities and support these financially as a church. Our mission partner is Andy Roberts MBE who runs Revive International in Olinda Brazil. Please take a look at the amazing work Revive does here:

Spire Lighting

Our spire is a wonderful landmark, for many, it is a comforting symbol of home, and it points us upwards to God reminding us that we are not alone.  You can light it for one night at the suggested donation of £20 – perhaps in memory of a loved one or to mark a special occasion or anniversary. You can pay into our general account (as for regular giving) but please mark it as ‘Spire Lighting’ and email the parish office with details of when you would like the spire lit.

Donate Digitally

We also have a digital collection plate, an alternative, contactless donation payment system for cards, made for churches by Christians. It offers a more hygienic option to receive donations during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Donor recognition

The PCC thanks and acknowledges the many generous donations and pledges of support to the Coleshill Parish Church Campaign that have already been received from a wide range of individuals, businesses, charitable trusts and statutory bodies.

These include support from among others:

Allchurches Trust

Aylesford Family Charitable Trust

Birmingham Airport Community Trust Fund


Coleshill Community Church

Coleshill Parish Trust Fund

Coleshill Town Council

Garfield Weston Foundation

Gascoigne's of Coleshill Ltd

Heritage Lottery Fund Grants for Places of Worship England

Idlewild Trust

LEADER Rural Development Programme for England

The Leche Trust

Pigrities Charitable Trust

The Rank Foundation (Pebbles Programme)

St Mary's Episcopal Church, Eugene, USA

Simon Digby Charitable Trust

SUEZ Communities Trust

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire

Warwickshire County Council

W.E. Dunn Charitable Trust

The William and Jane Morris Fund (Society of Antiquaries of London)